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by Amie Dodgson
2' 46" video, 1920 x 1080, 16/9, colour, stereo UK

Fear Released is a project based on my own experience of having 'sensory overload' which began from a visit to London, somewhere I find evokes anxiety and overwhelm within me. A soundscape of London juxtaposed with images of nature - somewhere I find reflief when feeling anxious. I can go there in my mind, or physically.

Installation view, FEAR
by Amie Dodgson
2' 46" video, 1920 x 1080, 16/9, colour, stereo UK

Outside view, Fear Released
by Amie Dodgson
Video played on a phone with headphones

Fear released is a video and soundscape exhibited outside, within nature and played by the audience on a phone using headphones, so the user is enveloped within the piece. There is a manic nature which builds up suspense between a sequence of images that capture a sense of being overstimulated. Mechanical noises of cars can be heard which provide a juxtaposition to where the audience is standing physically and visually; in nature and through a screen.  

The audience is fully immersed within a sensory experience not only audially and visually but olfactory due to the smells of being outside. The only sensory change is that of sound. Audio is a primary sense, so the play between the two, challenge perception, time, perspective, and cause confusion. 

With the video being exhibited as an experience, individually on a phone, it makes it easily accessible and transportable, and the audience are given the choice to swap between the visuals in real life in their environment or the visuals of what is shown on the screen. Due to this, each experience will differ. The audience can choose to watch it anywhere in nature that they choose. This provides freedom of choice for the audience.  

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