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Collab // The Body, Senses & Material // PBP

This term for the unit practice by proposal I have decided to collaborate with Esther as we are both interested in the same topics and she is a sculptor and me a video artist so we are bringing our skill sets and ideas together to see how well we work with one another. I feel it will push me creatively and out of my comfort zone.


We attended a Bodies elective. Following the 1st elective we were asked to come up with a short performance using the body somehow. Esther and I chose to concentrate on the senses, taking one away and for this we took away vision. Esther blindfolded up and did some actions with her body. What we found was that I managed to copy Esther really well by hearing what she was doing. We decided to use this and develop it further into our practice and collaboration.


Week 1 of collaboration - Jesmonite & materials

We decided to experiment by using both our skill sets to begin with as this is what we were both comfortable with doing. Esther had made a sculpture out of jesmonite and she wanted to wrap it in materials to contrast textures. I wanted to video it and see what emerged out of doing so. Whether the tactility of the textures would provide a sensation in the body when played back. These are some videos we got from using this within a project space.

Here are some images of the sculpture too.


Week 1, Day 2 of collaboration - Material Installation

We moved on to just using materials within a space and to use them on the walls and then film the process, the finished product and interacting with it. Here is an edited video of the whole installation. We called it Nostalgic Materials. This is due to the materials evoking different memories.

Image documentation Of Installation...


Week 1, Day 3 of collaboration - Ladder & Materials Installation

Video of ladder in latex...

Documentation of Process...


Week 2, Day 1 of collaboration - Wrapping Materials Video

We moved onto using the same materials in a different way. Rather that using them within the space we wanted to concentrate on focusing on the materials themselves in an insular way and concentrate on the touching of the materials and using different ways of tying them up as a mindful practice and process. We wanted to create a video of wrapping up Esther's apron with all the materials one by one. Here is the outcome of the video. We played with pace in the editing process.

Documentation of Process...


Week 2, Day 2 of collaboration - Unwrapping Materials Video

Here are the videos of us both unwrapping the materials.


Week 2, Day 3 of collaboration - Material in Nature


Week 2, Day 4 of collaboration - Sensing Materials


Week 2 - Mind Maps

Initial Idea of installation for Assessment


Week 3, Day 1 of collaboration - The body outside

Stretching Machinery


Week 3, Day 2 of collaboration - The body outside

Mindful Grass


Week 3, Day 3 of collaboration - The body outside

Limbs in Grass


Week 3, Tutorial Notes


Week 4, Day 1 of collaboration - Serra's Verb List

To Rub


Week 4, Day 2 of collaboration - Bodies Inside

Experimentation videos

Experiment 1

Experiment 2

Experiment 3


Week 4, Day 3 of collaboration - Bodies Inside 2

Experimentation video of Esther exploring the space


Week 4, Development Notes


Week 5, Developing the Performances

Draft Videos

Treat me like a material

Trust me with your ears

Bodies within space


Week 6, Final Performance Videos


No events at the moment
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