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Communal Random Sound Play

A chart created by a random number generator online.

By using this chart I was able to create a communal 4 min sound track. Drawing on instruments and the voice using an element of chance. There were 4 people involved.

There were certain parts that I liked and certain parts that didn't work. My perfectionist brain didn't like the parts that were out of time with each other. However maybe this is something to explore further? I wanted to create a sound track, or parts of a sound track that I could use in a video.

The element of chance and the mixture of different voices, hand movements and energies, made it feel like you didn't know where it would go next. Which is something that interests me. I quite like the humming parts, it gives an eerie feel to the sound and would like to experiment with this further in 'Ableton' to see if I could layer the hums at different octaves to create harmonies. There were no words in this and that is something after playing this back I would like to explore further. Using spoken word and replaying the words in different ways using effects. The different sounds that voices make that don't necessarily sound like they've come from the human body are something else I would like to explore after doing this. Possibly using the chart again to create a chance piece but then I also quite like the idea of being able to control what It sounds like too, to make it match the video or work alongside the video somehow and use both sound and video, going back and forth between them, creating as I go along.


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