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Confusion over genders norms!

I am confused as to why there is so much emphasis on why we have genders anyway! The research I have done on this topic over the past 3 weeks has left me utterly bamboozled. There is so much around this topic in today's society and the past hundred years. Why are we forcing these norms into people? I have explored gender specific objects, fashion, toys, magazines, transgender, gender fluid, what it's like to me a man, what its like to be a woman and all I have discovered is a lot of confusion. I even found a blog post of a Gender Master List!

To me, it doesn't matter what genitalia you have, you are a human being with a heart and I won't treat you any different. No matter what clothes you like to wear or hair style you like to have, whether you like to play with barbies or action man, whether you like watching soppy movies about love or action movies with fighting. What I have realised is that gender really is fluid now. I am not saying that I am what is known these days as 'gender fluid' but what I am saying is that I don't put myself in any label. I am a woman because I have a vagina and breasts. I like wearing baggy clothing a lot of the times because it is comfortable to wear, I like wearing no make up most of time because its a pain to take off at night time and its awful for my skin! I like to watching romantic comedies, I like looking at the female body because its beautiful, I like to kiss men, I like to climb trees and I like to do a days physical hard work taking up patios and lawns. I love to ride a bike and I used to love playing with barbies (still do!). I wear bright colours some days and others I wear dark neutral colours, depending on my mood. I like to hang out with all people, from all walks of life whether you have a penis, a vagina or both! Some days I want to cry and other days I want to bottle all my emotions up and never let them out. I like going on spa days and getting a massage, I like watching the football and playing it! What I don't understand is why have labels for it, and that, is what I am going to portray in my art work!



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