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Environmental Alphabet

This was my first photography workshop of the term. The objectives were; to gain an understanding of basic photography theory, ISO, Shutter speeds, f/stops and depth of field, to shoot with a DSLR camera in Manual mode, to experiment with image capturing, correct exposure and image composition, file organisation, RAW image processing and through all of this produce a 26 letter A-Z poster in Photoshop with letters found made natural from shapes I saw. There was meant to be no making letters from stones, road signs, graffiti, car number plates etc.

From doing this mini project I gained more experience with basic photography theory using ISO, Shutter speed, aperture and depth of field; how they interact with each other, how if you change one, you need to change the other. I gained a knowledge of how to organise my workflow on a computer in Bridge and shooting in RAW, making files to organise my work such as 'processed, RAW and Retouched'. I felt I succeeded in getting the correct exposure in my shots and not much processing needed to be done. I considered my composition and tried to do all my framing and cropping in camera. I was able to rotate and flip certain letters to make them read correctly in 'image size'. I learnt how to put together an A-Z poster using guidelines in photoshop and resizing the images so they fit into the slots. I enjoyed the shooting of the images themselves, being out in nature and getting creative using my environment.

If I was to do this again, I feel I could make it even prettier by just using natural objects, such as flowers, plants, trees etc.


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