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Evaluation for FMP...

Due to the unforeseen circumstances that is COVID-19 we were unable to carry on with our course at College, therefore we went into lockdown and were working from home. We were also informed we were not being marked on any work we did from home. Therefore I will discuss what I would have done to complete my project if this hadn't happened and if I had the resources, time, money and motivation.

For my FMP I was looking into the "APPLICATION OF SOUND through MEDIUMS WITHIN ART" and I began by researching Cymatics due to being inspired in the last project/unit, 'Inside outside'. I was inspired by the research I did on Chromasthesia, which is a neurological phenomenon, where when the person hears sound, they see colour. I researched many artists but my favourite one was Jack Coulter. I was fascinated by the colours he used and techniques and that each piece of work he produced was whilst listening to a certain song. This lead me on to think about how I could create art using sound and whilst researching I remembered something I had seen years ago, Cymatics. Cymatics refers to the study of making sound visible, usually through placing particles on vibrating plates or membranes. After researching as much as I could about different techniques, I decided to build my own cymatics speaker. I was successful in my build and produced some interesting results. I would have liked to have built a bigger system that produced bigger sound waves and thus giving more surface area to capture and also to create some macro videos of the substances vibrating. This was my plan, to create a bigger speaker and create a video using sound and different mediums. However due to restrictions I was unable to do so. I would have liked to have tested dry media alongside wet media. I did however enjoy the results and process I got from the small speaker.

I moved on during isolation to change the way I thought about my project by looking at other mediums I could use that I already had readily available. I tested many mediums to see which was most effective and found that alcohol inks were the best. I went back to my original research on Chromathesia and Jack Coulter and wanted to create my own images whilst listening to different genres of music to see what kind of results I got and to imagine what it would be like to suffer from this phenomenon. I also wanted to examine how colour, tone, texture, shape and how this related to different instruments used in different genres of music and to see if they portrayed different emotions. I really enjoyed the process of using the alcohol inks whilst listening to music and I extended my research by asking my peers to do some mark-making whilst listening to the same genres I used so I could compare and see if there were any similarities. This was also an interesting idea. The alcohol ink experiments were very effective and I received positive feedback from peers and tutors. I wanted to extend this again by ordering larger scale paper, however due to restrictions I was unable to find the money to do so. This is something I would love to do in the future and create much larger scale paintings so the viewer can be absorbed by the painting.

I had an idea, after a book making workshop to make a small concertina booklet showcasing small alcohol ink paintings. This would have been a nice idea and something that I would still like to do if I had more time.

To summarise, how I would have taken this project further is by

- using a large speaker with dry media

- macro video experiments

- making concertina book with small alcohol ink experiments

- do a larger scale alcohol ink paintings

Whilst in isolation I also had various other ideas I would like to take forward and will try to complete over the summer before University in September:

Side Projects

- Record sounds around the house to look at sounds that go unnoticed during the day

- Self Isolation video

- Isolation portraits of my partner and housemate using a text to create powerful imagery

- Update my Photography Website - cargocollective

- Submit Dorset Art Prize photo

Below are some images I took whilst in Isolation on my Iphone camera...


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