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Masculine Woman series 1 ~ The faces of Katy

The photoshoot with Katy was brilliant, she pulled off the masculine expressions and looks amazingly! What a joy to work with and collaborate with. Here is what Katy's views on gender were:

"I have always disliked gender stereotypes as I’ve never felt they reflected my identity. Growing up I think I’ve always known my gender identity was female, however I enjoyed doing ‘boy’ things, playing with my friend who lived on a farm and climbing trees, etc."

"After researching gender I have a very different view now to my previous understanding. I’m now much more confused about what gender means, however am more aware of the complexities surrounding gender. I feel like gender has a much more personal, individual meaning, not a one-size-fits-all thing. How I feel as a woman might be completely different to how someone else feels. I’ve also been introduced to a broad range of genders that I previously knew very little about which has certainly made me think of gender as very fluid."

"I feel I am more fortunate now than any female has been before, as a white ‘middle class’ (hate that term) woman I have it better than most women have ever had it. And yet I still feel there is a long way to go with gender equality. I hate that I find myself conditioned by a patriarchal society. When someone mentions a Dr, I will ask what his name is, and then hate myself." 

"I find it interesting looking back at things that have happened to me as a young female in the modern day, comments that I have heard, looks I have received. As a waitress in my teenage years (although nothing compared to how my mum was treated as a waitress in her day, and of course women before her etc), I look back and wish i’d said something to the inappropriate comments and looks."

"I’m learning the importance of highlighting this sort of behaviour as I get older and care less about being the polite quiet ‘hate to make a fuss’ girl I have been conditioned into being. 

I currently feel I’m generally treated fairly and equally day to day, but I’m not in a position whereby I would be unfairly treated. I’m not in a corporate environment surrounded by white males patronising my success. Or a 3rd world country where I’m forced into a marriage."


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