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Masculine Women Series 2 ~ The faces of Ffion

How do you feel about gender norms?

"I am not a fan of gender norms, as I am not a fan of labels in general. We seem to be living in an age where everyone feels like they need a label, and it’s driving people fucking crazy! Just be who you want to be. Although I’m a woman, I certainly have what many people would perceive to be masculine qualities, and I know many men who have feminine qualities. That’s what makes us all different and unique. Why must we fit some gender norms? How boring would that be?!"

What does gender mean to you?

"Gender to me personally is what sex I was born. I was born female and I feel female, although I do certainly have many masculine qualities and I get on well with men. However, I do empathise with those who feel like they have been born the wrong gender. Although I cannot relate it must be a painful place to be, and I just wish everyone would feel comfortable in their own skin."

How do you react to gendered objects?

"Not very well! Ha. When I was a child, I wasn’t particularly girlie and would rather play with so called ‘boys’ toys or play rugby or football with the lads than play with ‘girls’ toys such as dolls. I don’t like the whole ‘blue for a boy, pink for a girl’ crap either.  I believe we should give our children the freedom to be whatever and whoever they want to be, without pressurising them to conform to a societal norm."

What’s it like to be female?

"I believe that it’s much easier to be a female today than it would have been years ago. We enjoy equal rights today, and as a female I feel empowered and that the big, bad world is out there for the taking. I do not believe in outdated ideals that women ‘need’ a man and feel like I can succeed in whatever I set my mind to. Becoming a housewife as was the norm years ago would have been my idea of hell! I value my freedom and independence too much."


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