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Masculine Women series 3 ~ The faces of Beth

I had the pleasure of shooting a good friend of mine, Beth. She is an actress and boy does it show in the shots I got of her! She was amazing to work with and so beautiful! She also makes a great guy! Heres what she had to say on gender...

"I always wanted to be a boy when I was young. A tomboy. George from The Famous Five was my hero. I loved climbing trees, playing with micro machines, boglins (I think that's what they were called!) and wore what were classed as boys clothes when I had the choice. I disliked 'girly' things - dolls, a taffeta dress I was made to wear. I refused to wear my Brownies uniform and instead would climb out of the window to play with the boys on their bikes and skateboards. I had my hair cropped off as a teenager, earning me the nickname Big Fat Lesbian Jew. I'm not Jewish, or a lesbian. I've kissed a lot of women, but never been in a relationship with a woman. I find both men and women attractive, visually and often sexually, but not as a partner. I like the simplicity that men seem to have."


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