Now I am not a fan of heavily edited photos, there's a time and a place for it. However re-learning how to use the patch tool was super useful. I did a lot of editing around 10 years a go and made people look very different to the way they actually looked. It was a good thing to practice and it's amazing to see all the useful tools Photoshop has to offer.
Here is my before and after edited picture using the patch tool, clone tool, dodge, burn and liquify. It's a drastic change and not something I will be using, however like I said, it was good to practice.
Model: Beth

Looking at them both side by side, I actually prefer the one on the left. I feel the way I edit has changed a lot over the past year, I much prefer RAW images of people. It shows their character and emotion much more. Therefore I won't be using this technique for portraits but more so if I was wanting to edit distracting things out of the picture such as if the background wasn't quite right.
I am going to attempt to edit some more shots of some images I took of my pregnant friend as I shot them in the studio at College and some of the background was uneven. Once Im done I'll add them to this post.