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Purple Bucket - Video & Paint Experiment

I began this experiment with the idea of wanting to stare into a bucket of water at my reflection to see what I could see, emotions it stirred up in me and what patterns of light, tone and shade I could use to create a painting.

This chaotic pattern created by the water bubbling into the bucket in this video was particularly interesting.

I tried first to video from a straight on, camera upright view. I watched as the ripples calmed from placing the bucket onto the floor. I liked the varying purple shades and tones created by the purple bucket. Purple is also my favourite colour and I had wanted to try a painting using purples as I would have to mix the colours myself which I thought may be a good challenge and practice.

I tried from varying angles and upside down to see what effects I would get using the video.

This one was interesting as I used someones phone to light up my face which brought another element to the video. In the previous videos my features looked dark and quire alien like. The light brings out the features more and looks spooky but in a different way.

It was really interesting watching the purples change as the light changed and the water became calmer.

I chose this image for developing into a painting. I liked the fact you couldn't see my features, just the outlines of where they would be. I also liked the blurriness of it, the tones and shades of purples and the composition.

Progression images of painting

This painting still has work to go on it however I am happy with the way it is coming along. I am noticing a theme within my paintings in oils so far, a depth that I create of pulling the viewer into the painting. Its something I would like to explore further and look at why I am doing this when I paint. I am enjoying using the medium of oils and using blending techniques with my finger and paint brush. There is a quality I can get to the painting when using my finger to blend the colours. Mixing the purples was great fun but also quite tricky sometimes. I love painting though and I get immersed into it when I am doing it. I ran out of white at this end point and couldn't get anymore in the studio so once I have order some more I will finish it and see how it progresses. It is probably my biggest painting so far and again I have used cardboard to paint onto as I love the texture of the surface and i find that cardboard is an easily accessible material. Win Win!


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