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The Flesh
Digital Video
2mins, 38 secs

The Flesh is a moving image and sound piece. The blend of images and footage of nature combined with coloured wax in water, create a surreal and fantastical narrative. Obscure sounds such as pens clicking, low hums and harmonies take the viewer from one frame to the next at various speeds, moving in time with the imagery, giving them the power to connect the two. It slowly builds into a crescendo throughout and for the last minute it peaks into a rhythmic audio track, combining esoteric and fantastical images and footage of wax within nature. The viewer is invited to explore not only their visual and auditory senses, but also the sensation of wanting to touch as there is a tactility and organic-ness to the wax. The organic forms are dream-like but also extra-terrestrial; Like a being seeing Earth and its nature for the first time or like it is slowly integrating with it.

This piece was part of an online exhibition ‘Interactions’ providing an interaction between the viewer and themselves, an interaction between object and environment, being and Earth and an interaction between the voice and moving image. Online exhibiting has opened new ways and techniques for people to interact with and experience artwork.

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