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The Wanderer
Digital Video
4 mins, 17 secs

The Wanderer is a moving image and sound piece. The blend of images and footage of nature combined with cymatics inspired imagery create a surreal, melancholic and disorientating narrative. Choral harmonies flow moving in time with the imagery, which gives the audience the power to connect the two. It slowly builds into a crescendo and then into a rhythmic audio track, combining textural and ambiguous footage of natural textures layered over rippling frequencies.

The footage is of Holten Heath, Portland and Corfe inspired by the term liminal space aesthetics and psycho-geography.

The word “liminal” is derived from the Latin word “limens,” which means threshold. When you’re interacting with a liminal space, you’re quite literally standing on the threshold between two realities. I am interested in not only connecting the viewer to a place but to also provide an alternate way of viewing that place and altered reality. I focus on making visuals that stir up the senses by combining footage of natural textures and creating an ambiguity to provide a subjective embodied experience for the viewer. Feeling is an important part of my process and I try to allow the viewer to navigate their own feelings through visuals whilst watching it giving a sense of disorientation but also creating a sensory journey.

This project was exploring how sound can be made visible and create some tactility through moving images. Cymatics refers to the study of making sound visible, usually through placing particles on vibrating plates.

My interests lie with placing the audience into the work itself, by creating an experience for them. For everyone to be a part of it, the author, audience and whatever she is filming. There is an interest for me in understanding myself through creating the work and the audience to understand the self through experiencing the work. The viewer is invited to explore not only their visual and auditory senses but their tactility too.

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